.NET Trick to Bypass Any Anti-dumping

This article introduces a method for bypassing any anti-dumping techniques in CLR by utilizing internal data. This method is currently effective for all versions (.NET Framework from 2.0 to .NET 7.0), and theoretically can be used for future versions as well.

.NET JIT脱壳指南与工具源码

本文介绍了.NET下的JIT层加密点与脱壳技巧,包括IL代码,Token,异常处理子句,局部变量这四种加密,并给出了一份基础的脱壳机框架源码。文中的内容适用于.NET Framework全版本,.NET Core 1.0~3.1,.NET 5+也大致相同。文中的.NET若未作说明,均指代.NET Framework。

.NET JIT Unpacking Guide and Tool Source

This article introduces techniques for encrypting and unpacking at the JIT layer in .NET, including IL code, Tokens, exception handling clauses, and local variables. It also provides a basic JIT unpacking framework source code. The content of this article is applicable to all versions of the .NET Framework, .NET Core 1.0-3.1, and .NET 5+. If not otherwise specified, “.NET” in this article refers to the “.NET Framework”.

.NET Control Flow Analysis (II) - Deobfuscation

After understanding the basic knowledge of control flow, this article will continue to introduce some methods for deobfuscating control flow obfuscation, and provide an example of a deobfuscator for ConfuserEx’s control flow obfuscation.

.NET Control Flow Analysis (I) - Get Started

For some complex obfuscation techniques, control flow analysis is necessary to restore them. This article introduces the basic knowledge of .NET control flow analysis. Understanding these is enough to restore most obfuscations that require control flow analysis.