.NET Ultimate Anti-debugging

This article introduces the anti-debugging principle under .NET, including the CLR internal debugging mechanism. Through this article, you can learn how to use the CLR debugging mechanism for detection and prevention of debuggers.

.NET Dynamic Decryption and Countermeasures

Reflection is an important feature in .NET. Based on this feature, we often don’t need to fully analyze the encryption algorithm itself. We can simply use reflection APIs to complete decryption. This article will introduce dynamic decryption techniques in .NET and their corresponding countermeasures.

Inside ILProtector and Writing an Unpacker

The core protection principle of ILProtector is dynamic method. This article provides a detailed introduction to the protection details of ILProtector and specifically writes out the unpacker targeting it.

Inside ConfuserEx's Anti-tamper and Anti-dumping

Many people know that using a series of tools such as dnSpy then dump, and CodeCracker’s can be used to remove the ConfuserEx obfuscator. There are many tutorials available online, but there is no article explaining the underlying principles. This article will explain in detail the Anti Tamper and Anti Dump protections of ConfuserEx.